It important to make a commitment to getting stronger and to put losing fat out of your mind. As you improve your performance, you will begin to look forward to your workouts. As you focus on getting stronger this will allow you to appreciate your body for what it can do. You will be going up stairs faster, moving through your day without feeling sleepy and enjoying your children and love ones as you are able to do more activities with them. It also means that every time you do an exercise you will have a clear and fun way of looking at your goal for getting stronger. This is more motivating than just trying to burn as many calories as you can. The most important thing about working on your performance is it an incredibly way of tracking your progress. The training log doesn’t lie. If you performed one more rep than last week or increased the weight you used, then you have improved your performance. The scale, on the other hand, is not always a valid way to measure progress. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!